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  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (Wavell Primary logo is optional)
  • White polo shirt or shirt
  • Grey or black trousers, shorts or skirt
  • Gingham checked summer dress (blue and white)
  • Black, white or grey socks or tights
  • Black school shoes/school boots or all black trainers. (No heels, platforms, high boots or sandals). Wellies can be worn for playtimes during winter months, please remember to bring indoor shoes.
  • For our younger children, please ensure your uniform choice helps to develop independence and support children to develop their own personal hygiene (eg. black jogging bottoms rather than trousers with fasteners)

  • Plain white t-shirt (no logos or slogans on t-shirts please)
  • Plain black, grey or navy sports shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings
  • Plain black, grey or navy tracksuit top or hoodie, or a Wavell Primary hoodie
  • Trainers. Plimsolls can also be used indoors
  • Swimwear should be a one-piece swimsuit for girls and swimming shorts for boys. 

  • All clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.  
  • Shoulder length hair must be tied back.
  • No jewellery, except a watch (no smart watches) and small, plain stud earrings (to be removed for PE days), may be worn.
  • Nail varnish, false nails, makeup and temporary tattoos must not be worn.
  • Hair colour and style should be appropriate for Primary School.
  • Smart watches are not allowed.
  • Mobile phones should be handed in to the school office before the start of the day. 
  • Children should not bring toys from home.
  • Children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 should bring a book bag daily, they do not require a  rucksack.
  • Children do not require a pencil case or any other equipment.
  • Children should bring an appropriate named drinks bottle (no fizzy drinks please). 

Please order your uniform via this link