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In April 2024, our Infant and our Junior schools became

 'Wavell Community Primary School'.

The school is highly inclusive. All pupils, including those who have a disability or special educational needs or may need additional support make good progress from their different starting points even if they only spend a short time in the school.

Teaching and learning are usually good and there is some outstanding teaching. The best lessons move along at a good rate and pupils visibly enjoy learning.

As from the 1st January 2021 schools have to publish a link from their own website to the national benchmarking website.

Wavell Community Infants and Nursery School

Ofsted March 2017 (Link to Ofsted March 2017 PDF)


Wavell Junior School

Ofsted September 2021 (Link to Ofsted September 2021)


Share your Opinion

For your chance to share your opinion of our school with Ofsted, visit the Parent View website below.

Ofsted Website