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School Meals


At lunchtime children are offered a choice of hot meals including vegetarian options or jacket potatoes with various toppings. All of the children in our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes have a free school meal as part of the ‘universal free school meal’ Government initiative. Children in Year 3 to Year 6 can purchase a school dinner for £2.75 per day.

All food suppliers are from Yorkshire, supplying only fresh meat and poultry. All the eggs used are free range, with gluten free and fair trade items stocked. Halal products are also provided.

All our meals are freshly prepared and can be ordered every morning before 8.15am on the School Comms Gateway App. Here is the link

Our current menu: 

Primary Spring 2025 Menu Choice -



All children under 5yrs old will be offered a glass of milk every day.  For children older than 5 years,  follow the link to the ‘cool milk’ website and you can order and pay for milk.

Link to ‘cool milk website’


All children in our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive a piece of fresh fruit/vegetable every day. Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 should bring a piece of fruit/vegetable for snack time.