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School Day

Gates open at 8.35am and children should be in class and ready to learn for 8.45am

School finishes at 3.15pm

Nursery starts at 8.30am until 11.30am for the morning session and from 12.15pm until 3.15pm for the afternoon session.

Our 30 hour Nursery sessions run from 8.30am until 3.15pm

If your child is absent from school for any reason, please inform school by telephone straight away. The school staff will have to contact you if we have not heard from you about absence from school – this we call ‘First Call’. This may be by phone or text. We have had occasions where children have set off from home but have not arrived at school. We therefore ring you in the interests of your child’s safety. 

Leave of absence forms can be obtained from the school office and will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Please provide as much supporting evidence for your request. All requests will require authorisation and may require a meeting with the Headteacher.

At 8.35 am children will be permitted to access school grounds. We cannot accept responsibility for children before 8.35 am unless they are booked into our Breakfast club.

In order to avoid unnecessary congestion, older children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are allowed to come through school gates unaccompanied. Parking is not permitted on the yellow lines or in the staff car park

We promote a healthy eating break! Fruit and vegetables are free through the Government Fruit Scheme for children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  Children in Years 3 to 6 should bring a healthy snack - Please note we are a nut free school. 

School Meals cost £2.75 per day (£13.75 per week). Children who access 30 hour government funded nursery sessions can purchase a school meal for £2.25. Payments for lunches must be made on the day or in advance electronically online via

We are unable to accept payment by cash or cheque.

Packed lunches may be brought in a lunch box but we ask that these are completely nut free and as healthy as possible. 

More information on school meals can be found in the

You can also find  on the North Yorkshire Council Website

Currently, we offer a Mindfulness and Wellbeing Club as well as a Film Club. Activities change each term according to interest and time of year. This could be a Gardening, Football, Netball, Multisports or Jigsaw or Lego Club.  Children also have opportunities to take part in school cluster events that take place all year round. 

A typical day in our school would begin with the students arriving in their classroom where they will be welcomed by their class teacher for registration. Morning tasks are set for the children to complete during this time.
Core subjects are taught in the morning sessions. Guided Reading, Phonics, English Writing and Maths will be taught before and after the morning break. 
During Break time, children in Nursery, Reception and Years 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit from school. Children in Year 3 to 6 are encouraged to bring a healthy snack of fruit with them to enjoy. This time allows the children to socialise and regulate themselves before returning to class for the second-morning session.
Children are supervised and encouraged to eat a healthy, balanced and nutrional school meal. The lunch break is split between 30 minutes for eating and 30 minutes play time. 
These sessions are reserved for the Wider Curriculum subjects and Science. At Wavell, we have ensured our Wider Curriculum is well-sequenced to allow children to develop their curiosity whilst making connections between the past, present and future. Through a purposefully planned progression of skills and knowledge which builds on and extends their prior learning our children are able to know more, remember more and do more. Core skills and a carefully structured breadth of study means our children have the opportunity to develop confidence in themselves as independent, enthusiastic, life-long learners; preparing them to be successful members of a constantly evolving world.