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Internet Safety

Are your children safe online?

There are so many 'connected' devices in our houses and in children's lives that it is difficult to keep up to date with all the different ways children access 'on-line' material.

At school we have a filtered internet connection and we encourage the children to access 'safe' sites at home. We provide a moderated online VLE (virtual learning environment) and we also provide 'safe' learning sites for children to use.

Below you can find the latest advice and a range of practical resources, news and events on how to use the internet and new technologies safely and responsibly.

Wavell Community Primary School is committed to...

The use of the internet and ICT to further our aims in a safe, secure and responsible environment...

We love using the computer…

…but there are rules we have to follow to make sure that we are using it safely and with consideration for other people.

The rules are:

We must…

  • always log on and log off
  • follow instructions and only search what and where we are told to
  • let someone know immediately if we come across something on the internet that we are not happy with or don’t feel comfortable with
  • let someone know immediately if someone sends us a message or e-mail that makes us feel uncomfortable
  • only use the internet when a member of staff is present
  • always use polite language on the computer
  • always be careful with the equipment and use it sensibly.

We must not…

  • write anything unpleasant about anyone else on an e-mail, message or anywhere else on the computer